Undead: Skeleton (Black)     

Species: Undead. Type: Black. Class: Undead. Align: Evil. Gender: N/A.


Level: 11 + 1-D20. Damage-Points: 1-D8 x level.

Number encountered: 1-D4.

Experience-Points: 80 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 20, Sense of Smell: 0, Sixth Sense: 20, Taste: 0, Touch: 20, Vision: 20,

Charisma -: Appearance: N/A. Speech: 20, Constitution: 35, Coordination: 30, Dexterity: 30, Intelligence: 25, Mental-Strength: 30, Strength: 35, Wisdom: 20.



Flying: Can't.

Grounded: 11.

Swimming: 1 (cannot swim, but does walk under water).


Luck: 1-D6 per level.

Oxygen-Points: Not applicable. This creature does not need oxygen to exist.

Blood-Points: Not applicable. This creature does not need blood to exist.



Fists ---------- : 2

Damage ----- : 1-D6 (+1-D6 per level advanced).

Range -------- : 1 space (5').

Attack type - : Blunt.

Special ------- : None.


Defense: 30. Offense: 30.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

76+ to have 1-D2.

Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart.

Check for each skeleton to have treasure.



Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Bone color: Black. Bone texture: Rough to the touch; like a dried and aged bone. Height: 7' 0". Posture: Biped. Weight: 100 Lbs.


Description - : This undead appears as a walking, ashen-black skeleton.

Dislikes ----- : Those who will not bend under its domination and rule.

Disposition - : This creature is not renowned for possessing the feelings of mental anguish for the misdeeds of its former life. Because of this terrible and forever state of being, in which it must suffer, it has no love nor pity for another. It has absolutely no remorse. Within its shredded and decayed soul lies neither empathy nor sympathy. It has one noticeable emotion . . . rage.


Fears -------- : Unknown.

Habitat ------ : Many regions and settings.

Immunities - : Breath-attacks that are based on: Air and Fire, Charm, Disease, Fear, Mental-attack, Pain, Poison (excluding Toxin Poison), Shock, Sickness, Sleep, Spiritual-attack, Stun, Unconsciousness.


Life-span --- : Undying creature. This creature's existence never fades.

Likes -------- : Power. Allies who further its revenge on the living.

Needs ------- : Unknown.

Note --------- : The bones of this creature are sought after by necromancers. Necromancers use the bones to create Undead servants. Shamans seek after these bones as they are components for certain spells.


Special Abilities:

Night-vision: As the Psychic's Spell.


Spell-caster: There is a 50% chance (51+ roll) that this creature will be a Spell-caster. If this undead is a spellcaster, it will be known as a Cabalist. If a Cabalist is encountered, roll on the following list to see what class it will follow:


%Roll: Classes:
01-25: Cabalist Healer.
26-50: Cabalist Necromancer.
51-75: Cabalist Magician.
76-00: Cabalist Psychic.


Spell-Points: 2-D12 (+ 1-D6 spell-points per level advanced).
Spells: The Cabalist Black Skeleton will have 4 spells, which the G.M. will pick for it (prerequisites must be followed).


Special Defenses:

This creature has the following resistances:
Hurled: Arrows, bolts, and throwing darts will only do 10% of the normal damage unless hit in the skull. Ballast bolts will only do 50% of the normal damage unless hit in the skull.


Magic-Resistance: 30%

Mental-Resistance: 30%

Spiritual-Resistance: 30%


Special Offenses:

When this creature is encountered all creatures must successfully make an avoidance-roll vs.
"Fear", or have the following penalties enforced upon them for the first 1-D8 turns of the conflict:


1. -4 spaces movement per turn.

2. -20 on all attacks.


Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: 50% penalty rounded down, to successfully avoid vs. any form of holy attack. Holy Water will always do a Maximum-strike (best of 3 rolls for damage) against this creature.


Weapon Susceptibilities : Rank-7 (or better) magic weapon to harm.